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Browsing by Author Boudella, Amar

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2011Aeoromagnetic data analysis using the 2D continuous wavelet transformAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Boudella, Amar
2013Automatic lithofacies segmentation from well-logs data. A comparative study between the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Walsh transformAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Rabhi, Abdessalem; Rouina, Fouzi; Benaissa, Zahia; Boudella, Amar
2012A comparative study of some Artificial Neural Network models for lithofacies classification from well-logs dataAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Djarfour, Nouredine; Boudella, Amar
2012Heterogeneities analysis using the generalized fractal dimension and continuous wavelet transformOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila; Boudella, Amar
2010Identification and evolution of clay minerals in the sand-shale reservoirs of the Berkine basin (Algeria)Boudella, Amar; Aliouane, Leila; Bounif, Abdallah; Benaïssa, Zahia; Benaissa, Abdelkader; Bentellis, Abdelhakim; Aïfa, Tahar
2013A Modified hidden weight optimization algorithm based neural network model for permeability prediction from Well-Logs dataAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Boudella, Amar
2013On seismic ground roll filtering using the wavelet transform and neural networkBenaissa, Zahia; Benaissa, Abdelkader; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila; Boudella, Amar
2015Pore pressure prediction in shale gas reservoirs using neural network and fuzzy logic with an application to Barnett ShaleAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Boudella, Amar
2012Random seismic noise attenuation using the wavelet transformAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Boudella, Amar; Eladj, Said
2012Reservoir characterization from well-logs data using neural network modelsAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Djarfour, N.; Boudella, Amar
2012Structural Boundaries delimitation from gravity data using the wavelet transformAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Boudella, Amar
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11


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