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Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2011Aeoromagnetic data analysis using the 2D continuous wavelet transformAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Boudella, Amar
2013Aeromagnetic data analysis using the 2D directional continuous wavelet transform (DCWT)Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Hamoudi, Mohamed; Aliouane, Leila; Eladj, Said
2022Analyse non-linéaire de la physique du plasma : application aux données ionosphériquesOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Eladj, Said(Directeur de thèse)
2013Automatic lithofacies segmentation from well-logs data. A comparative study between the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Walsh transformAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Rabhi, Abdessalem; Rouina, Fouzi; Benaissa, Zahia; Boudella, Amar
2013Automatic lithofacies segmentation using the wavelet transform modulus maxima lines combined with the detrended fluctuation analysisOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila
2012AVO Seismic data inversion using global simultaneous techniqueEladj, Said; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila; Djarfour, N.
2022Classification of ordovician tight reservoir facies in Algeria by using Neuro-Fuzzy algorithmDoghmane, Mohamed Zinelabidine; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Benaissa, Z.; Eladj, S.
2012A comparative study of some Artificial Neural Network models for lithofacies classification from well-logs dataAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Djarfour, Nouredine; Boudella, Amar
2017Contribution of the seismic anisotropy in shale gas reservoirs exploration - a case study from the barnett shale (Usa)Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila
2015Contribution of the seismic anisotropy in the understanding of tight sand reservoirs with an example from the Algerian SaharaOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila
2014Daily geomagnetic field prediction of intermagnet observatories data using the multilayer perceptron neural networkOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Tourtchine, Victor; Aliouane, Leila
2013Edges detection from aeromagnetic data using the wavelet transformOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila
2015Fractal behavior of total organic carbon in shale-gas reservoirs with an example from the Barnett Shale, Texas, USAOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila
2019Fuzzy clustering algorithm for Lithofacies classification of Ordovician unconventional Tight-sand reservoir from well-logs data (Algerian Sahara)Cherana, Amina; Aliouane, Leila; Doghmane, Mohamed Zinelabidine; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali
2023Geothermal Energy in Algeria and the Contribution of GeophysicsAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali
2012Heterogeneities analysis using the generalized fractal dimension and continuous wavelet transformOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila; Boudella, Amar
2014Heterogeneities analysis using the generalized fractal dimensions and the continuous wavelet transform : application to the KTB boreholesAliouane, Leila; Ouadfeul, Sid-Ali
2015Ionospheric data prediction of DEMETER Satellite using Levenberg Marquardt neural network model. application to ISL instrumentOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Tourtchine, Victor; Aliouane, Leila
2012Lithofacies classification using the multilayer perceptron and the Self-organizing neural networksOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila
2014Lithofacies prediction from Well-Logs data using hybrid neural network mode l: a case study from Algerian SaharaOuadfeul, Sid-Ali; Aliouane, Leila
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