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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
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Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2023Advances in coyote optimization algorithm : variants and applicationsMeraihi, Yassine; Gabis, Asma Benmessaoud; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Acheli, Dalila
2023Binary whale optimization algorithm for topology planning in wireless mesh networksTaleb, Sylia Mekhmoukh; Meraihi, Yassine; Mirjalili, Seyedali; Yahia, Selma; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar
2020Dragonfly algorithm: a comprehensive review and applicationsMeraihi, Yassine; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Acheli, Dalila; Mahseur, Mohammed
2022Energy harvesting based on SLIPT in V2V-VLC system under atmospheric weather conditionsRefas, Souad Ikram; Acheli, Dalila; Yahia, Selma; Meraihi, Yassine; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Benmessaoud Gabis, Asma
2023An enhanced aquila-based resource allocation for efficient indoor IoT visible light communicationYahia, Selma; Meraihi, Yassine; Taleb, Sylia Mekhmoukh; Mirjalili, Seyedali; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Ho, Tu Dac; Eldeeb, Hossien B.; Muhaidat, Sami
2023An Enhanced Aquila Optimizer Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Indoor Multi-user IoT VLC SystemYahia, Selma; Meraihi, Yassine; Mekhmoukh Taleb, Sylia; Mirjalili, Seyedali; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; B. Eldeeb, Hossien; Muhaidat, Sami
2022Enhanced Whale Optimization Algorithm for mesh routers placement problem in wireless mesh networksMekhmoukh Taleb, Sylia; Meraihi, Yassine; Yahia, Selma; Benmessaoud Gabis, Asma; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Acheli, Dalila
2024An Enhanced white shark optimization algorithm for unmanned aerial vehicles placementSaadi, Amylia Ait; Soukane, Assia; Meraihi, Yassine; Gabis, Asma Benmessaoud; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Yahia, Selma
2024Hybrid whale optimization algorithm with simulated annealing for the UAV placement problemTaleb, Sylia Mekhmoukh; Meraihi, Yassine; Yahia, Selma; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Gabis, Asma Benmessaoud; Acheli, Dalila
2023A hybrid whale optimization algorithm with tabu search algorithm for resource allocation in indoor VLC systemsYahia, Selma; Meraihi, Yassine; Mirjalili, Seyedali; Taleb, Sylia Mekhmoukh; Refas, Souad; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Eldeeb, Hossien B.
2022Machine learning-based research for COVID-19 detection, diagnosis, and prediction : a surveyMeraihi, Yassine; Gabis, Asma Benmessaoud; Mirjalili, Seyedali; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Alsaadi, Fawaz E
2023Mesh router nodes placement for wireless mesh networks based on an enhanced Moth–Flame optimization algorithmMekhmoukh Taleb, Sylia; Meraihi, Yassine; Mirjalili, Seyedali; Acheli, Dalila; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Benmessaoud Gabis, Asma
2024A Monadic Second-Order Temporal Logic framework for hypergraphsBhuyan, Bikram Pratim; Singh, Thipendra P.; Tomar, Ravi; Meraihi, Yassine; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar
2020Multi-Directional Vehicle-To-Vehicle Visible Light Communication With Angular Diversity TechnologyYahia, Selma; Meraihi, Yassine; Benmessaoud Gabis, Asma; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar
2022Nodes placement in wireless mesh networks using optimization approaches : a surveyMekhmoukh Taleb, Sylia; Meraihi, Yassine; Benmessaoud Gabis, Asma; Mirjalili, Seyedali; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar
2023On the performance of MIMO vehicular visible light communicationsYahia, Selma; Meraihi, Yassine; Gabis, Asma Benmessaoud; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar
2023Performance analysis of bidirectional multi-hop vehicle-to-vehicle visible light communicationRefas, Souad; Acheli, Dalila; Yahia, Selma; Meraihi, Yassine; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Van, Nhan Vo; Ho, Tu Dac
2022Performance evaluation of vehicular visible light communication based on angle-oriented receiverYahia, Selma; Meraihi, Yassine; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Gabis, Asma Benmessaoud; Eldeeb, Hossien B.
2022Performance study and analysis of MIMO visible light communication-based V2V systemsYahia, Selma; Meraihi, Yassine; Refas, Souad; Benmessaoud Gabis, Asma; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Eldeeb, Hossien B.
2019Solving graph coloring problem using an enhanced binary dragonfly algorithmBaiche, Karim; Meraihi, Yassine; Hina, Manolo Dulva; Ramdane-Cherif, Amar; Mahseur, Mohammed
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