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Titre: A Comprehensive survey on ear recognition : databases, approaches, comparative analysis, and open challenges
Auteur(s): Benzaoui, Amir
Khaldi, Yacine
Bouaouina, Rafik
Amrouni, Nadia
Alshazly, Hammam
Mots-clés: Databases
Date de publication: 2023
Editeur: Elsevier
Collection/Numéro: Neurocomputing/ Vol.537 (2023);pp. 236-270
Résumé: Automatic identity recognition from ear images is an active research topic in the biometric community. The ability to secretly acquire images of the ear remotely and the stability of the ear shape over time make this technology a promising alternative for surveillance, authentication, and forensic applications. In recent years, significant research has been conducted in this area. Nevertheless, challenges remain that limit the commercial use of this technology. Several phases of the ear recognition system have been studied in the literature, from ear detection, normalization, and feature extraction to classification. This paper reviews the most recent methods used to describe and classify biometric features of the ear. We propose a first taxonomy to group existing approaches to ear recognition, including 2D, 3D, and combined 2D and 3D methods, as well as an overview of historical advances in this field. It is well known that data and algorithms are the essential components in biometrics, particularly in-ear recognition. However, early ear recognition datasets were very limited and collected in laboratory with controlled environments. With the wider use of deep neural networks, a considerable amount of training data has become necessary if acceptable ear recognition performance is to be achieved. As a consequence, current ear recognition datasets have increased significantly in size. This paper gives an overview of the chronological evolution of ear recognition datasets and compares the performance of conventional vs. deep learning methods on several datasets. We proposed a second taxonomy to classify the existing databases, including 2D, 3D, and video ear datasets. Finally, some open challenges and trends are debated for future research
URI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2023.03.040
ISSN: 0925-2312
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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