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Titre: Improved direct torque control of switched reluctance motor 8/6 using high order sliding mode
Auteur(s): Guediri, Hicham
Boukdira, Mohammed Amin
Ammar, Abdelkarim (Supervisor)
Mots-clés: Direct torque control (DTC)
Sliding mode control (SMC)
Switched reluctance motor (SRM)
Date de publication: 2023
Editeur: Université M’Hamed BOUGARA de Boumerdes : Institut de génie electrique et electronique (IGEE)
Résumé: This research focuses on implementing a robust direct torque control (DTC) system for a Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) by employing nonlinear approaches such as sliding mode control, Twisting controller (TC), and Super Twisting controller (STC). The initial phase involves the modeling of the SRM and its power supply, predominantly comprising a voltage inverter. Subsequently, the DTC technique is introduced and applied to the SRM. In the subsequent phase, two distinct control strategies, namely classical DTC and sliding mode DTC for SRM, are presented and discussed. Various numerical simulations are conducted to illustrate and explicate the effectivenes so fthes econtro ltechniques .I nth efin alphase, Twisting and Super Twisting regulators are proposed with the intention of improving the chattering problem encountered in SRM control. The simulation results are subsequently presented to substantiate this assertion.
Description: 55 p.
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/12725
Collection(s) :Power

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