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Titre: Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Smart Irrigation Systems
Auteur(s): Yahia, Amina
Menasri, Wahiba
Cherifi, Dalila
Gacemi, Abderrezak
Mots-clés: Classification
Decision Tree
Machine Learning Algorithms
Performance Evaluation
Smart Irrigation Systems
Support Vector Machines
Sustainable Agriculture
Water Management
Date de publication: 2024
Editeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
Collection/Numéro: 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM), Medea, Algeria, 2023;pp. 1-5
Résumé: Smart irrigation systems have revolutionized the farming industry by utilizing modern innovations to optimize water usage and handle water scarcity issues. The performance of two machine learning algorithms, Decision Tree and Support Vector Machines (SVM), in categorizing irrigation status in smart irrigation systems is evaluated in this research. The goal is to detect whether or not specified areas or plants have been watered, which is critical for proper irrigation management. Sensors in smart irrigation systems detect environmental data such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and rainfall. The obtained data is processed using machine learning methods to classify the irrigation status. For training and evaluation, this study makes use of a large dataset from a real-world smart irrigation system. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of both the Decision Tree and SVM algorithms. Decision Tree excels in terms of precision and recall, allowing for the accurate detection of hydrated and non-watered areas or plants. SVM achieves good accuracy and F1-score, allowing for a complete evaluation of irrigation status. These findings promote smart irrigation systems by emphasizing the importance of machine learning methods for accurate irrigation status classification. The findings help stakeholders choose appropriate algorithms for efficient water management and support sustainable agriculture practices.
URI/URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10419485
ISBN: 979-835031424-3
Collection(s) :Communications Internationales

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