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Titre: Task partition based parallel design and implementation of the MSSM algorithm on network of transputers
Auteur(s): Cheref, Mohamed
Mots-clés: Algorithms
Computer networks
Réseaux d'ordinateurs
Parallel processing (Electronic computers)
Parallélisme (informatique)
Date de publication: 1995
Résumé: The present work is concerned with the parallel design and implementation of the multiple scale signal matching (MSSM) [26,38] algorithm on a transporter [7,10,25,40] network. The MSSM algorithm is based on a multichannel vision model [35], to establish the correspondence between two images with the allowance that one of them can be deformed elastically. The MSSM algorithm uses a process consisting of two stages: the filtering and the matching stages. This process is iterated following a coarse-to-fine regime of the vision channels [35] at which the matching process is performed…
Description: 115 p. : ill. 30 cm
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080123456789/1647
Collection(s) :Magister

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