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Titre: γ-ray production by proton and α-particle induced reactions on C12, O16, Mg24, and Fe
Auteur(s): Belhout, A.
Kiener, J.
Coc, A.
Duprat, J.
Engrand, C.
Fitoussi, C.
Gounelle, M.
Lefebvre-Schuhl, A.
De Séréville, N.
Tatischeff, V.
Thibaud, J.-P.
Chabot, M.
Hammache, F.
Benhabiles-Mezhoud, H.
Mots-clés: proton
α-particle induced reactions
Date de publication: 2007
Editeur: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Collection/Numéro: Volume 76, Issue 3, 20 September 2007, Article number 034607;PP. 1-19
Résumé: γ-ray production cross sections for proton and α-particle interactions with C12, O16, Mg24, and Fe have been measured in the energy range 5-25 MeV with proton beams and 5-40 MeV with α-particle beams. Isotopically pure foils of Mg24 and foils of natural isotopical composition of C, MgO, and Fe have been used. γ-ray angular distributions were obtained with five high-purity Ge detectors with bismuth germanate Compton shields placed at angles of 45° to 157.5°. Cross sections for more than 50 different γ-ray transitions were extracted, and for many of them no data have been published before. Comparison of present data with data available in the literature shows mostly good to excellent agreement. In addition to the production cross sections, high-statistics, low-background line shapes of the 4.438 MeV C12 γ ray from inelastic scattering off C12 and spallation of O16 were obtained. Comparison with nuclear reaction calculations shows that these data place interesting constraints on nuclear reaction models. © 2007 The American Physical Society
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/2204
ISSN: 05562813
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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