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Titre: An approach for formal verification of updated Java bytecode programs
Auteur(s): Lounas, Razika
Mezghiche, Mohamed
Lanet, J.-L.
Mots-clés: Bytecode transformation
Bytecode verification
Formal semantics
Weakest precondition calculus
Date de publication: 2015
Editeur: CEUR-WS
Collection/Numéro: CEUR Workshop Proceedings/ Vol.1431 (2015);pp. 51-63
Résumé: This paper deals with formal specification and verification of Java bytecode update. Programs update for Java applications has gained a wide interest since it is used for several purposes: transforming semantics of a program, adding features to a program or performing optimizations. In this paper, we focus on program transformations for Java programs at the bytecode level. Because these transformations may introduce errors, our goal is to provide a formal way to verify the update and establish its correctness. Our approach for formal specification and verification of updated Java bytecode programs is based on four ingredients: a formal interpretation of the semantics of update operations, a functional representation of bytecode, bytecode annotation and predicate transformation calculus.We use the concept of Hoare predicate transformation to derive a specification of an annotated bytecode. Annotations are used to express update operations within the code. A functional representation is used to model annotations and bytecode. The approach derives then a new specification for the annotated bytecode using a weakest precondition calculus defined to deal with update operations. Verification conditions are then generated and proved to establish the correction of the update
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/2645
ISSN: 16130073
Collection(s) :Communications Internationales

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