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Titre: Performance improvement of photovoltaic pumping system
Auteur(s): Djeriou, Salim
Mots-clés: Photovoltaic module
Electrical equation
Issue Date: 2018
Résumé: This thesis presents two work frames schemes of solar water pumping system with maximum overall operating efficiency. In the first scheme, a new technique based on Golden-Section-Search (GSS) optimization method is used. Compared to conventional MPPT tracking method such as Perturb and Observe (P&O), GSS technique offers two advantages namely: quick response and perturbation free. The maximum power transfer from the photovoltaic panel to the centrifugal pump is ensured by optimal selection of induction motor's operating speed. This technique demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed architecture. Regarding the second scheme, a tentative to employ a Dual Star Induction motor (DSIM) instead of the conventional induction motor is investigated. The conventional Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is adopted to track the maximum power from the PV generator while optimum rotor speed selection is adopted in order to ensure maximum power transfer to the pump. To achieve this goal the indirect rotor field oriented control scheme is to facilitate this transfer by improving the decoupling performances. Besides, a fuzzy logic- based PI controller instead of the conventional PI speed controller is used for speed control. This controller is known to be more robust than the conventional one in terms of system uncertainties. Matlab/Simulink package is used to simulate and predict the performances of the two proposed SWPS work frame under different climate conditions
Description: 92 p. : ill. ; 30 cm
URI: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/4917
Appears in Collections:Doctorat

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