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Titre: On The Block Decomposition and Spectral Factors of λ -Matrices
Auteur(s): Bekhiti, Belkacem
Dahimene, Abdelhakim
Hariche, Kamel
Fragulis, George F.
Mots-clés: Block roots
Spectral factors
Block-Horner’s algorithm
Matrix polynomial
Date de publication: 2018
Editeur: Arxiv
Collection/Numéro: Control and Cybernetics, 49(1);pp. 41-76
Résumé: In this paper we factorize matrix polynomials into a complete set of spectral factors using a new design algorithm and we provide a complete set of block roots (solvents). The procedure is an extension of the (scalar) Horner method for the computation of the block roots of matrix polynomials. The Block-Horner method brings an iterative nature, faster convergence, nested programmable scheme, needless of any prior knowledge of the matrix polynomial. In order to avoid the initial guess method we proposed a combination of two computational procedures. First we start giving the right Block-QD (Quotient Difference) algorithm for spectral decomposition and matrix polynomial factorization. Then the construction of new block Horner algorithm for extracting the complete set of spectral factors is given.
URI/URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.10557
ISSN: 03248569
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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