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Titre: Effect of petrophysical and sedimentological properties 1on heterogeneity of carbonate reservoirsin South Eastern 2Constantine’sReservoirs in Algeria: impact on produc-3tion parameters
Auteur(s): Baouche, Rafik
Boutaleb, Khadidja
Debiane, Kahina
Mots-clés: Well log data
Carbonated Reservoirs
South Eastern Constantine’s
Date de publication: 2019
Collection/Numéro: Conference: 2 em conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG)At: Tunisia (Sousse);
Résumé: Carbonated reservoirs, concentrated mainly in the Middle East, contain about 50% of 10 the world's hydrocarbon resources and the challenge they represent for the sustainable devel-11 opment of oil resources is considerable and their production challenges are commensurate with 12 this potential. 13 The characterization of these reservoirs through the control of their heterogeneities makes it 14 possible to reduce the uncertainties on the quantification of their reserves in order to improve 15 their productivity as well as their recovery rate. 16 The recovery rates obtained from the carbonate reservoirs are mainly attributed to their deposi-17 tional environments, diagenetic history, and the very varied climatic conditions, resulting in a 18 very heterogeneous geology and represent difficult challenges to overcome where the permea-19 bility varies greatly, the only requirement for better results in production. The permeability 20 measured on cores or by production tests can vary from less than 10% to more than 40% on 21 average permeability deposits (10 to 100 md)). In addition to these parameters, the diversity of 22 recovery mechanisms and development patterns, on which the dynamic behavior of the intersti-23 tial fluids depends, are far from being conditioned by the single permeability factor. 24 Nowadays, in Algeria, the valorization of carbonated reservoirs, mainly located at the level of 25 South Eastern Constantinois reservoirs where most of these reserves remain unexploited, are 26 among the strategic and priority objectives, because of their complexity. 27 Indeed, the study of stratigraphic heterogeneities, obtained from logging data and core studies, 28 applied to SouthEastern Constantinois reservoirs (Algeria), shows that the results play an 29 important role in the development of carbonate reservoirs production in this area.
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/6159
Collection(s) :Communications Internationales

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