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Titre: Presence and infestation rate of Senotainia tricuspis (Meigen) (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) on honey bees in the Mediterranean Region
Auteur(s): Jamal Haddad, Nizar
Adjlane, Noureddine
Loucif, Wahida
Shebl, Mohamed
Saba, Muna
Albaba, Imad
El-Obeid, any
Montasir, Sabah
Giusti, Matteo
Felicioli, Antonio
Mots-clés: Senotainia tricuspis(Meigen)
Apis mellifera
Mediterranean basin
Date de publication: 2015
Editeur: Taylor and Francis Online
Collection/Numéro: Journal of Apicultural Research Vol. 54, n° 2;
Résumé: Our investigations show that the S. tricuspis is found in four countries out of the seven sampled ones. This pest was recorded in Egypt, Jordan, Algeria, and Italy, Samples from Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine were negative for infestation. We confirmed the presence of S. tricuspis in the southern and western areas of the Mediterranean sea, and diagnosed its existence for the first time in Egypt, but the big variation in the infestation level comparing the northern countries of the sea to the southern countries, propose two hypotheses: the first one is that this parasite prefers the wet areas rather than dray ones. The second hypothesis is that Apis mellifera ligustica bees are more susceptible than the bees of the southern and eastern countries of the Mediterranean region. To confirm such hypotheses further investigations in the region need to be conducted by collecting bigger sample size from the region. We also propose that further DNA studies are needed in order to build a phylogenic table to understand the genetic diversity and population genetics of S. tricuspis in the region. A wide Mediterranean North -South collaboration in technology transfer, extension and awareness program will be very helpful for the beekeeper sector in this region.
URI/URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00218839.2015.1099988?needAccess=true
ISSN: 0021-8839
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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