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Titre: Components assignment problem for flow networks using MOPSO
Auteur(s): Aissou, Abdallah
Daamouche, Abdelhamid
Moatamad Refaat, Hassan
Mots-clés: components assignment problem
network reliability
multiobjective particle swarm optimization
Stochastic-flow networks
total lead-time
Date de publication: 2021
Collection/Numéro: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science/ Vol.48, N°1 (2021);
Résumé: Components assignment problem subject to multiple constraints is generally considered as a multiobjective components assignment problem (MCAP). In this research work, an MCAP subject to three constraints, namely the network reliability, the total assignment cost, and the total lead-time is considered and solved. The mathematical formulation of the MCAP is given based on the constraints mentioned above (network reliability, total assignment cost, and total lead-time). Furthermore, an approach based on multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) is presented to solve the MCAP problem. The main goal is to search for the best-assigned components that maximize network reliability and minimize both the total assignment cost and the total lead-time. The results revealed that MOPSO is more efficient than other optimization approaches based on single or multiobjective genetic algorithms. In addition, there is no need to convert the problem into minimization or maximization and normalize the solutions based on RWGA or NSGA approaches
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/6559
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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