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Titre: Measurements and identification of smart magnetomechanical elastomer composite materials properties in shear mode
Auteur(s): Nedjar, Ali
Aguib, Salah
Djedid, Toufik
Nour, Abdelkader
Meloussi, Mounir
Mots-clés: Elastic shear modulus
Experimental analysis
Loss shear modulus
Magnetic field
Magnetorheological elastomer
Shear strain
Date de publication: 2019
Editeur: Institute of Physics Publishing
Collection/Numéro: Materials Research Express/ Vol.6, N°8 (2019);
Résumé: Magnetorheological elastomer composite materials (MRE) are a new class of intelligent active materials composed of ferromagnetic particles, of micrometric size, dispersed in a silicone elastomer matrix, which exhibit variable stiffness and damping properties which are modifiable under the application of an external magnetic field. Currently, these devices are primarily used in automotive and building applications, but they can easily be adapted to meet the requirements of aerospace applications. The development process and experimental characterization needed to evaluate the active control performance of this material have been made. This is done by characterizing the mechanical properties as a function of the magnetic field, as a function of the excitation frequency and as a function of the different percentage of ferromagnetic particles loading. An example of application of this material in aeronautics is also presented
URI/URL: DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab201b
ISSN: 20531591
2053-1591 Electronic
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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