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Titre: Process and performance optimization of Triple-RESURF LDMOS with Trenched-Gate
Auteur(s): Houadef, Ali
Djezzar, Boualem
Mots-clés: CMOS
trench gate
Date de publication: 2021
Editeur: Wiley
Collection/Numéro: nternational Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering/ Vol.31, N°10 (2021);
Résumé: In this article, we investigate by TCAD simulation, the combination triple reduced surface field (triple-RESURF) and trenched-gate to design an n-type laterally diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor (LDMOS) transistor with high performance. While similar structures reported in the literature, on the one hand, use either the triple-RESURF or trenched-gate at once, on the other hand, those features require at least one additional mask each. We have been able to achieve both features in one transistor with only eight masks at the front-end of line (FEOL), and one less annealing. Therefore, our proposition will be cheaper and provide better performance. The structure is obtained by re-organizing the process steps, re-using other existing masks, and exploiting positive and negative photoresist photolithography. The resulting specific on-state resistance (RON,SP) is 94 mΩmm2, and the breakdown voltage (BV) is 71 V. But, most importantly a high transconductance (gm) at high gate voltages, with acceptable off-state leakage current (Ioff), which translates into better RF performance overall than what is reported in the literature. The maximum oscillation frequency (fMAX) and cut-off frequency (fT) could reach up to 76 and 43 GHz, respectively. Our device targets fully integrated IoT ASICs that require power amplifiers
URI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1002/mmce.22755
ISSN: 10964290
1099-047X Electronic
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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