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Titre: Nine-switch inverter for driving two induction motors independently
Auteur(s): Laloui, Mahdi
Rebbouh, Khaled
Metidji, Brahim (Supervisor)
Mots-clés: Nine-Switch inverter : motors simulation
Induction Motors
Implementation : Control
Date de publication: 2019
Résumé: Industrial applications require large numbers of motors supply in the industrial world; therefor it is necessary to design system with low cost, reduced losses and higher efficiency. The nine-switch inverter is a recent reduced semiconductor topology which is developed to dual output converter. It can be used to drive two three-phase induction motors independently. As a substitute of two separate voltage source inverters, the nine-switch inverter has been already proposed in various industrial applications to reduce the number of semiconductor switches and energy losses. In this context, a scalar control method is developed to ensure the separate control of both induction motors. Simulations then implementation are carried- out to show that the developed independent control is effective and provides a simple configuration with high performance in terms of speed and torque responses.
Description: 51 p.
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/8442
Collection(s) :Power

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