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Titre: Design of sparse matrix converter
Auteur(s): Boumedine, Youcef
Reziki, Mohamed Lamine
Metidji, Brahim
Mots-clés: Sparse matrix converter
Modulation techniques and control
Date de publication: 2018
Résumé: The aim of this project is to design and implement the Sparse Matrix Converter. The Sparse Matrix Converter consist of 15 Transistors, 18 Diodes, and 7 Isolated Driver Potentials. Compared to the direct matrix converter this type provides identical functionality, but with a reduced number of power switches and an improved zero DClink current commutation scheme. It provides lower control complexity and higher safety and reliability. In the matrix converter, modulation and control techniques are so far the principal topic of research and development as the practical experience is still very limited since it is a new technology still in development. MATLAB/SIMULINK modeling and simulation of the Sparse Matrix Converter loaded by passive RL load are performed. Also, the necessary hardware has been implemented. It can be noticed that the three-phase sparse matrix converter can be used to replace of the conventional rectifier-inverter based converter. The advantages of the Sparse Matrix Converter in short are the inherent four-quadrant operation and the absence of bulky DC-link
Description: 61 p.
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/9112
Collection(s) :Power

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