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Mechanical and engineering systems >

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Titre: Study of the mechanical behavior of single edage notched tension (SENT)
Auteur(s): Chafai, Oussama
Kaabouche, Ali
Mots-clés: Composite materials : Fracture, Rupture, Crack
Carbon fiber
Fibre de carbone
Glass fiber
Fibres de verre
Date de publication: 2017
Résumé: In this Work,we tried to understand and estimate the composite material’s rupture and how it reacts in the presence of different fracture dimensions especially for composite materials that are made by carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy,so we prepared specimens using this two materials then we created different crack sizes and angles in the aim to see the propagation of the cracks and deduce the displacement,the deformation and stresses.We simulated plan specimens (without crack) and specimens that gave us the weakest results using the simulation program ‘Ansys’.then we tried to compare theses experimental results with the other results that are obtained using simulation study of the critical specimens
Description: 121 p. : ill. ; 30 cm
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/9663
Collection(s) :Mechanical and engineering systems

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