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Browsing by Author Khatir, Samir

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2015Damage detection and localization in composite beam structures based on vibration analysisKhatir, Samir; Belaidi, Idir; Serra, Roger; Magd, Abdel Wahab; Khatir, Tawfiq
2023Damage detection in GFRP composite structures by improved artificial neural network using new optimization techniquesZara, Abdeldjebar; Belaidi, Idir; Khatir, Samir; Oulad Brahim, Abdelmoumin; Boutchicha, Djilali; Abdel Wahab, Magd
2020Damage Detection in Truss Structures Using Transmissibility Combined with Optimization TechniquesZenzen, Roumaissa; Khatir, Samir; Belaidi, Idir; Magd, Abdel Wahab
2018A damage identification technique for beam-like and truss structures based on FRF and Bat AlgorithmZenzen, Roumaissa; Belaidi, Idir; Khatir, Samir; Wahabc, MagdAbdel
2022Experimental crack identification of API X70 steel pipeline using improved artificial neural networks based on whale optimization algorithmOulad Brahim, Abdelmoumin; Belaidi, Idir; Khatir, Samir; Magagnini, Erica; Capozucca, Roberto; Abdel Wahab, Magd
2015Genetic algorithm based objective functions comparative study for damage detection and localization in beam structuresKhatir, Samir; Belaidi, Idir; Serra, R.; Benaissa, Brahim; Ait Saada, Aicha
2020A modified transmissibility indicator and Artificial Neural Network for damage identification and quantification in laminated composite structuresZenzen, Roumaissa; Khatir, Samir; Belaidi, Idir; Thanh, CuongLe; MagdAbdel, Wahab
2023A new methodology to predict the sequence of GFRP layers using machine learning and JAYA algorithmFahem, Noureddine; Belaidi, Idir; Oulad Brahim, Abdelmoumin; Capozucca, Roberto; Thanh, Cuong Le; Khatir, Samir; Abdel Wahab, Magd M.
2016Numerical study for single and multiple damage detection and localization in beam-like structures using BAT algorithmKhatir, Samir; Belaidi, Idir; Serra, Roger; Magd, Abdel Wahab; Khatir, Tawfiq
2024Optimal Prediction for Patch Design Using YUKI-RANDOM-FOREST in a Cracked Pipeline Repaired with CFRPOulad Brahim, Abdelmoumin; Capozucca, Roberto; Khatir, Samir; Fahem, Noureddine; Benaissa, Brahim; Cuong-Le, Thanh
2021Prediction of gurson damage model parameters coupled with hardening law identification of steel X70 pipeline using neural networkOulad Brahim, Abdelmoumin; Belaidi, Idir; Khatir, Samir; Magagnini, Erica; Capozucca, Roberto; Wahab, Magd Abdel
2023Prediction of resisting force and tensile load reduction in GFRP composite materials using Artificial Neural Network-Enhanced Jaya AlgorithmFahem, Noureddine; Belaidi, Idir; Oulad Brahim, Abdelmoumin; Noori, Mohammad; Khatir, Samir; Magd, Abdel Wahab
2022Prediction of the peak load and absorbed energy of dynamic brittle fracture using an improved artificial neural networkOulad Brahim, Abdelmoumin; Belaidi, Idir; Fahem, Noureddine; Khatir, Samir; Mirjalili, Seyedali Jamal; Abdel Wahab, Magd M.
2021Sensitivity analysis of the gtn damage parameters at different temperature for dynamic fracture propagation in x70 pipeline steel using neural networkAbdelmoumin Ouladbrahim, Abdelmoumin; Belaidi, Idir; Khatir, Samir; Magagnini, Erica; Capozucca, Roberto; Wahab, Magd Abdel
2023Strength prediction of a steel pipe having a hemi-ellipsoidal corrosion defect repaired by GFRP composite patch using artificial neural networkOulad Brahim, Abdelmoumin; Belaidi, Idir; Khatir, Samir; Le Thanh, Coung; Mirjalili, Seyedali; Magd, Abdel Wahab
2019Structural Health Monitoring of Beam-Like and Truss Structures Using Frequency Response and Particle Swarm Optimization: Volume 2: Numerical Modelling in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, NME 2018, 28-29 August 2018, Ghent University, BelgiumZenzen, Roumaissa; Khatir, Samir; Belaidi, Idir; Magd, Abdel Wahab
2016Surveillance vibratoire des structures composites contribution à la détection de défauts, à la localisation et l'estimation de la durée de vieKhatir, Samir; Belaidi, Idir (Directeur de thèse)
Showing results 1 to 17 of 17


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