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Titre: Dynamic characterization of the magnetomechanical properties of off axis anisotropic magnetorheological elastomer
Auteur(s): Bendjeddou, Walid
Aguib, Salah
Chikh, Noureddine
Nour, Abdelkader
Djedid, Toufik
Kobzili, Lallia
Meloussi, Mounir
Mots-clés: Composite polymer
Experimental analysis
Isotropic magnetorheological elastomer
Mechanical properties
Off-axis anisotropic magnetorheological elastomer
Date de publication: 2022
Editeur: De Gruyter Open
Collection/Numéro: Journal of Polymer Engineering/ Vol.42, N°8 (2022);pp. 714-724
Résumé: The use of magnetorheological elastomers in the mechanical and acoustic fields, by the automotive, aeronautical, and building industries, is currently developing strongly and rapidly. The perfect understanding of the capacity of smart insulation based on the absorption of the vibratory waves by magnetorheological elastomers materials passes by the knowledge of their dynamic mechanical behavior. In this present work, we have characterized the dynamic mechanical properties of the magnetorheological elastomer off axes anisotropy by the inclination, of different angles (15°, 30°, and 45°), of the pseudo-fibers of the iron particles formed by the application of a magnetic field at different intensities using an optimal loading rate of 30%. The rubber specimens were prepared by mixing micron-sized iron particles dispersed in room temperature vulcanized (RTV) silicone rubber by solution mixing. The experimental results obtained show a clear dependence of the effect of inclusion of ferromagnetic chains on the magnetomechanical properties. It is observed that the mechanical properties are better when applying a magnetic field of 0.6 T with an angle of inclination of 45°. The improvements added in this work could be useful in several industrial applications, such as automotive, aeronautic through adaptive control of damping and vibration level
URI/URL: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/polyeng-2021-0352/html
ISSN: 03346447
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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