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Titre: Contribution to the Monitoring of Leptospira in Wild Animals (Hedgehog of Bouira District)
Auteur(s): Aouadi, Nawal
Mensah Tonyi, Raouf
Abbas, Sadjia
Bitam, Idir
Arab, Karim
Mots-clés: Leptospirosis
Bacteriological Test
Serological Test
Date de publication: 2021
Collection/Numéro: Acta Scientific NUTRITIONAL HEALTH/ Vol. 5, n° 5 (2021);
Résumé: Leptospirosis is an anthropozoonotique disease of worldwide distribution with tropical dominance. It is caused by a pathogenic bacterium Leptospira interrogans which her primary reservoirs are rodents that shed the bacteria in the urine. Leptospira is wide- spread in the environment (freshwater, moist soil, sludge...). This study was carried out at Pasteur Institute of Algiers PIA’s laboratory, the ecology of vector systems department in different regions of Bouira district focused on the detection of leptospira spp in different samples: blood, organs, and urine of wild-caught animals (hedgehogs). After analysis of various samples (9 hedgehogs) in regions M'chedallah, Raffour, and Ahl- el –Ksar in 2012, we were able to iso- late leptospira by the bacteriological test (culture of urine, liver, and kidney) 22.22% of positivity, Test of thermo- resistant antigen (33.33% of positivity) and Microscopic-Agglutination-Test (0%). These diagnostic approaches appear to be complementary
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/10302
ISSN: 2582-1423
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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