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Titre: Time-course of age-related temporal order memory decline in an object recognition paradigm in mice
Auteur(s): Belblidia, Hassina
Freret, Thomas
Leger, Marianne
Schumann-Bard, Pascale
Mots-clés: Memory decline
NMRI mice
Normal aging
Object recognition
Temporal order memory
Date de publication: 2023
Editeur: Elsevier
Collection/Numéro: Behavioural Brain Research/ Vol.437 (2023);pp. 1-4
Résumé: Temporal order memory refers to the ability to remember the order of occurrence of items across time. It is a critical feature of episodic memory that is often tested in rodents using spontaneous object recognition paradigms. However, impact of aging over performances of temporal order memory decline is barely known. Herein, we characterized here the effect of normal aging on the temporal order memory performances in NMRI mice between 3 and 19months of age, with an inter-session interval of 24h.We found that temporal order memory was impaired as soon as7 months of age. These results provide strong evidence that temporal order memory is particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effect of normal aging
URI/URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166432822004193
ISSN: 01664328
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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