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Mémoires de Master 2 >
Institut de Génie Electrique et d'Electronique >
Telecommunication >

Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/12087

Titre: Design and analysis of compact MIMO antennas for wireless applications
Auteur(s): Hicham, Alla
Naab, Anes
Djafri, Kahina
Mots-clés: Wireless Applications
Design and Analysis
Date de publication: 2021
Résumé: In this work, two configurations of a slotted cup-shaped antenna element are proposed to cover the 3.5GHz WiMAX application. The antenna element geometry consists of cup-shaped radiator loaded with two open ended slots to create a band notch at 4.27GHz. An operating bandwidth of 2.9 GHz to 4.2 GHz with inter-port isolation, ?? 21 < - 20 ???? for pattern diversity configuration, and 3 GHz to 4 GHz with ?? 21 < -22 ???? in spatial diversity configuration are achieved. The footprints of the antenna configurations are 48×48 and 29×44 mm 2 . The proposed MIMO configurations are simulated using CST software, fabricated and experimentally validated. The designed antenna configurations cover widely the 3.5 GHz intended application and compact.
Description: 48 p.
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/12087
Collection(s) :Telecommunication

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