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Titre: Environmentally desirable synthesis: one-pot and solvent free formation of arylidenes compounds from gem-diacetates
Auteur(s): Benferrah, N.
Hammadi, M.
Dokari, H.
Berthiol, F.
Mots-clés: Gem diacetates
‎Montmorillonite ‎‎(KSF,K10/ZnCl2)
Microwave activation
Active methylene compounds
Arylidenes derived
dry ‎condensation
β-aryl-α-thiolacrylic acids
‎Potassium Fluoride–Barium ‎Oxide
Date de publication: 2015
Editeur: Université M'Hamed Bougara Boumerdes
Collection/Numéro: Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology / Vol. 1 , N° 3(2015);pp. 4-10
Résumé: Heterogeneous acid catalysts are of importance in the fine ‎chemicals area, and several been investigated in reactions such as ‎the Knoevenagel reaction, an important reaction with pronounced ‎solvent dependency. The condensation of active methylene ‎compounds with gem-diacetates in the presence of acid ‎aluminosilicates (montmorillonite KSF, K10/ZnCl2) without solvent ‎and under microwave irradiation, an efficient of synthesis of ‎arylidenes compounds without isolation of aldehydes compounds. ‎Cleavage of arylidene rhodanine derivative in position 5 in basic ‎medium on Potassium Fluoride–Barium Oxide (BaO-KF) under ‎focused microwave irradiation and free solvent is a simple and ‎effective method for synthesis of, β-aryl-α-thiolacrylic acids
URI/URL: https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/19230
ISSN: 2437-1114
Collection(s) :Publications Nationales

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