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Titre: Reflexion sur l’inflation algerienne (2000- 2012) : etude empirique
Auteur(s): Abouderaz, Sofiane
Mots-clés: Quantitative theory of money
money supply
Algerian inflation
monetary and exchange policy
Exchange system
Market discipline
Date de publication: 2013
Editeur: Université M'Hamed Bougara Boumerdes /Laboratoire de recherche avenir de l’économie algérienne hors hydrocarbure
Collection/Numéro: Revue scientifique Avenir économique/ Vol.1, n°01( 2013);pp. 225-234
Résumé: For centuries, the money and its harmful impact on the economy, namely inflation, have aroused the intention of economists, and this intention becomes increasingly necessary because of the alarming rate of inflation registered in different economies. Today in Algeria, the inflation rates over the past two years have called for major analyzes dealing with its causes and effects, but its understanding is still ambiguous. We analyzed this inflation as an analysis tool of various monetary theories in order to better understand the real causes of evil and recommended for better solutions
URI/URL: https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/81423
ISSN: 2352-9660
Collection(s) :Publications Nationales

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