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Titre: Elasticity: course and resolved exercises
Auteur(s): Boutoutaou, Hamid
Mots-clés: Mechanical behavior
Tensor of deformations
Stress Mohr circles
Hooke's laws
Date de publication: 2023
Editeur: University of M’Hamed Bougara Boumerdes: Faculty of Technology
Résumé: This handout of lessons and exercises was written for 3rd year undergraduate students in mechanical engineering and civil engineering. It is presented to them immediately after the course in mechanics of continuous media and that of the resistance of materials from which it is very largely inspired, by its notions, concerning tensors, as well as its methods, describing the laws of behavior which make it possible to establish the equations linking stresses to deformations (generalized Hooke's laws), in the field of isotropic linear elasticity. It constitutes course support for undergraduate students in the same field. This course is made up of five chapters and two appendices. At the end of each chapter, solved exercises are covered. They allow all students to better understand the different physical phenomena (mechanical behavior) studied in their school curriculum and to resolve the problems encountered later in industry
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/12727
Collection(s) :Cours

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