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Titre: Hydrothermally synthesized reduced graphene Oxide-Copper sulfide nanomaterial for application as supercapacitor
Auteur(s): Mokhtari, S.
Dokhan, Nahed
Aoudjit, Lamine
Trari, Mohamed
Omeiri, Said
Mots-clés: Nanocomposites
Reduced graphene oxide rGO
Copper sulfide CuS
Date de publication: 2023
Editeur: Pleiades Publishing
Collection/Numéro: Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A/ Vol. 97, N° 14, ( 2023);pp. 3353 - 3360
Résumé: This work is dedicated to the synthesis of rGO-CuS (reduced graphene oxide-copper sulfide) nanocomposites through a low-cost and environmentally friendly method through a one-step hydrothermal low-temperature process without the use of surfactants. rGO was obtained by efficient reduction of GO with PEI (polyethylenimine), identified by XRD, and confirmed by FTIR, Raman, and XPS analyses. The XRD pattern shows the formation of CuS phase crystallized in a hexagonal structure, while the SEM image shows the growth of CuS nanocrystals on the rGO layer. TEM showed the formation of spherical CuS nanoparticles distributed on the rGO surface. When studying its electrochemical reaction, the synthesized nanocomposite exhibited pseudocapacitive behavior with a specific capacitance of 418 F g –1 .
URI/URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0036024424030178
ISSN: 0036-0244
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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