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Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/13859

Titre: Understanding pedagogical models of learning
Auteur(s): Tahi, Razika
Mots-clés: Educational learning models
Free software
Proprietary software
Open source software
Date de publication: 2024
Editeur: Faculté des Hydrocarbures et de la Chimie : Département d’economie et de commercialisation des hydrocarbures
Résumé: The competency-based approach is the major educational objective of teaching in the License Master Doctorate (LMD) system. However, this approach by competence is very difficult to understand, to the extent that the notion of competence, in itself, is already an abstract notion which has multiple definitions. This approach is the result of an evolution of educational models, which over the past century has developed by moving from a transmissive pedagogy (also called encyclopedist), which had been in force for several centuries, to a behaviorist pedagogy, to arrive to a social constructivist pedagogy. But what do these different educational models represent, and above all mean? This is the purpose of this brochure which will allow us to better understand the evolution of these models, and especially how to adapt our teaching to the new teaching needs, imposed by the introduction of the LMD system. One of the main characteristics in higher education for the recruitment of teachers is the possession of a diploma in the specialty to be taught. However, the study of the teaching or communication skills of the future teacher is not given due consideration during their recruitment. Although in recent years a few popularization sessions have been offered to new teachers, most other teachers have only learned the teaching profession through experience, without any prior training in pedagogy. In the classic teaching system (classical compared to the LMD system), the main teaching model was, and still is, the transmissive model, while it adapts very poorly to new needs, dictated by the socio-economic evolution of our country, and also by the new teaching approach (LMD system). This 21st century is characterized by what some are already calling ‘the digital revolution’. At the level of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, significant investments have been made to avoid a significant digital divide, which could have negative consequences for the future of our universities. However, in addition to these significant material resources, training should be added in order to make these investments profitable
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/13859
Collection(s) :Brochures

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