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Titre: Global approach and targeted approach in the management of hospital effluents
Auteur(s): Bouzid, Mohammed
Djadi, A.
Guechtoulli, S.
Mots-clés: Mitidja
Sensitive hydrogeological system
Special waste
Chemical pollution
Biological pollution
Date de publication: 2013
Collection/Numéro: Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B/ Vol.3, N°4 (2013)
Résumé: Recent studies show a certain danger associated with drug residues, chemicals, radionuclides, biofilms, resistant bacteria and viruses, downstream of wastewater treatment plants (WTP). These results confirm the existence of hazardous substances in the hospital effluents. The University Hospital Frantz Fanon in Blida is located in a sensitive place of Mitidja. The effluents can contaminate surface water (valley Sidi El Kebir, valley Mazafran) and groundwater via infiltration and the porous nature of the soil. It is feared that the underground current (groundwater) contaminate a large portion of the basement of the Mitidja in the long run. Faced with the urgency and the risk they represent, we have developed a method called the targeted approach for more effective management of hospital waste. Indeed, in the global approach, the hospital effluents are collected by a sewer system treated in a wastewater treatment plant before being rendered in the environment. The targeted approach avoids the effluents in the sewer system of the hospital and the WTP, it neutralizes chemical and biological pollution out of each hospital unit. Furthermore, the realization of a washer-disinfector endoscope adapted to the specific protocols (exploration digestive, bronchial, etc.) represents an application of the targeted approach. Indeed, management of the disinfectant solution by electrical control in a closed circuit allows the mastery of biological pollution (ΣBi) and chemical (ΣCi). It seems that the evolution of medical science brings new concerns, in addition to biological pollution, bacterial and viral. Today we speak of pathogen proteins resistant to conventional disinfection processes. The targeted approach remains appropriate and focuses on the development and adaptation of new technology in the disinfection procedure
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/139
ISSN: 2161-6221
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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