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Titre: A Single-Neuron-Based Temperature Control of a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
Auteur(s): Ladjouzi, Samir
Grouni, Said
Mots-clés: Continuous stirred tank reactor
DragonFly algorithm
Genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization
PID controller
Single-neuron controller
Date de publication: 2024
Editeur: Springer Nature
Collection/Numéro: Mapan - Journal of Metrology Society of India(2024);
Résumé: In this paper, a new technique to determine the best values of a PID controller is presented. The proposed scheme is based on using a single-neuron controller which its weights represent the PID parameters. Weight’s adjustment is accomplished with a recent meta-heuristic algorithm called the DragonFly Algorithm. To show the effectiveness of our method, we have applied it to control a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor. The obtained results are compared with several algorithms: the Ziegler–Nichols, Genetic Algorithm, and Particle Swarm Optimization.
URI/URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12647-024-00749-y
ISSN: 0970-3950
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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