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Titre: Optimization survey of gas CO2 sequestration in the TAGS Algerian reservoirs
Auteur(s): Hadjadj, Ahmed
Kherfellah, Haddoum N.
Mots-clés: Gas
Risk analysis
Strorage of CO2
Date de publication: 2012
Editeur: International Gas Union
Référence bibliographique: 25th World Gas Conference, WGC 2012; Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia; 4 June 2012 through 8 June 2012
Collection/Numéro: International Gas Union World Gas Conference Papers /Vol. 3, 2012;pp. 2374-2385
Résumé: This work is devoted to present the experience of Gas CO2 Storage in Algeria. The study was done to optimise the best reservoir for Gas CO2 Storage. The risks name for the two Fields considered Field I & Field II, they are: Permeable Zone in Seal, Earthquake Induced Fracturing, Leakage - Undetected Fault, NW Fractures corridors (that linear features are connected fracture corridors and, with current injection plan, could propagate through seal allowing CO2 into potable aquifer), Injection Well Leakage (With increasing pressure an inadequate barrier in wellbore material provides a leakage path to potable aquifer or surface), Old Well Leakage (Inadequate completion or chemical alteration of wellbore material provides a leakage path to potable aquifer or surface), Exceeding Spill-Point (Restricted access to pore space within structure causes CO2 flow below spill point, leaking up-dip to unknown resource potential) and Migration Direction.
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080123456789/1681
ISBN: 978-162993440-2
Collection(s) :Communications Internationales

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