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Titre: Probabilistic model to forecast earthquakes in the Zemmouri (Algeria) seismoactive area on the basis of moment magnitude scale distribution functions
Auteur(s): Baddari, Kamel
Makdeche, Said
Bellalem, Fouzi
Mots-clés: Prediction
Probabilistic model
Seismic magnitude scale
Zemmouri seismoactive area
Date de publication: 2013
Collection/Numéro: Acta Geophysica/ Vol.61, N°1 (2013);pp. 60-83
Résumé: Based on the moment magnitude scale, a probabilistic model was developed to predict the occurrences of strong earthquakes in the seismoactive area of Zemmouri, Algeria. Firstly, the distributions of earthquake magnitudes M i were described using the distribution function F 0(m), which adjusts the magnitudes considered as independent random variables. Secondly, the obtained result, i.e., the distribution function F 0(m) of the variables M i was used to deduce the distribution functions G(x) and H(y) of the variables Y i = Log M 0,i and Z i = M 0,i , where (Y i)i and (Z i)i are independent. Thirdly, some forecast for moments of the future earthquakes in the studied area is given
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/2510
ISSN: 18956572
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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