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Titre: Compact microstrip low-pass filter design with ultra-wide reject band using a novel quarter-circle DGS shape
Auteur(s): Challal, Mouloud
Boutejdar, A.
Dehmas, Mokrane
Azrar, Arab
Omar, A.
Mots-clés: Defected ground structure (DGS)
Quarter-circle (QC) shape
Compensated microstrip line
Low-pass filter (LPF)
Date de publication: 2012
Collection/Numéro: Aces Journal, Vol.27, N°10 ( 2012);p.p. 808-815
Résumé: A novel quarter-circle defected ground structure shape is introduced in this paper to design and implement an ultra-wide reject band low-pass filter (LPF). Moreover, an equivalent circuit model (ECM) is presented. The proposed LPF has small size and, a low insertion loss and a return loss less than -20 dB. Also, a round -20 dB suppression level ranging from 4 GHz to more than 20 GHz is achieved. The simulated results obtained by ECM and full-wave EM show good agreement with the measured ones
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/255
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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