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Titre: Modelling and simulation of mechatronic system to integrated design of supervision : using a bond graph approach
Auteur(s): Mellal, Mohamed Arezki
Adjerid, Smail
Benazzouz, Djamel
Mots-clés: Modeling
Mechatronic system
Bond graph approach
Integrated design of supervision
Date de publication: 2011
Collection/Numéro: Applied Mechanics and Materials/ Vol. 86 (2011);pp.467-470
Résumé: The research in mechatronics focuses on the design and implementation of reliable, secure and economic systems. Our study is to modeling the operative part of a CNC machine using a bond graph approach with optimal placement of sensors in order to achieve a model for an integrated design of supervision. The proposed model allows a conception technically feasible and economically realizable to be integrated into production lines. The generation of analytical redundancy relations can find the FDI (Fault Detection and Isolation) matrix, that optimizes the maintenance function
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/2863
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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