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Titre: Synthèse et caractérisation des tensioactifs nonioniques de type alkylpolyglucoside (APG) à partir du glucose extrait des dattes, et du glucose synthétique
Auteur(s): Benselma, O.
Haddoum, S.
Ahmed Zaïd, T.
Benmounah, A.
Mots-clés: Alkylpolyglucosides
Dates Valorization
Date de publication: 2016
Collection/Numéro: Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology/ Vol.2, N°3 (2016);
Résumé: The aim of our work is to study the synthesis of the alkylpolyglucosides from local date (Ghars) sugar extracts and alcohols with a short hydrocarbon chain length. The reaction of glycosidation is performed in a stirred reactor of 1l of capacity at the boiling point of the alcohols. The products of the reaction were qualitatively characterized by current methods of analysis and the results indicate that they can find applications as solubilizing agents considering to the low hydrocarbon chain length of the alcohols used
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/3357
ISSN: 2437-1114
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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