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Titre: Distribution of leukocyte subpopulation among students threatened by failure
Auteur(s): Chettoum, Aziez
Guedri, Kamilia
Djerrou, Zouhir
Mosbah, Rachid
Khattabi, Latifa
Boumaaza, Abir
Benferdi, Wissam
Mots-clés: Stress
Date de publication: 2020
Collection/Numéro: International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(3);PP. 3807-3812
Résumé: Psychoneuroimmunology or the study of the relationships between the brain and the immune system is an area of research that has experienced significant development over the decade. Stress does not appear without consequences on the state of health, the role of fears, emotions and significant constraints in the appearance of organic and mental diseases. In this research, we studied the effect of stress and anxiety during exams at the end of the academic year (2018/2019) on the distribution of leukocyte subpopulations and the immune system, questionnaires has been completed by student volunteers, to estimate the anxio-depressive comorbidities through the (HADS) test during and outside exams, and in the same time we asked them for a blood sample the next morning day to carry out some biological assays (CBC). We also found that stress during exams caused a change in the distribution of different types of white blood cells, a total decrease in white blood cell counts with neutropenia and lymphopenia were found in students during exams compared to controls, and an increase in monocyte and other types of polymorphonuclear levels in students during exams compared to controls. Other tests measuring the effects of stress on specific functions of the immune system can be used
URI/URL: https://pharmascope.org/ijrps/article/view/2553
ISSN: 09757538
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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