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Titre: Multi-agent system for voltage regulation in smart grid
Auteur(s): Belaidi, Hadjira
Bentarzi, Hamid
Rabiai, Zakaria
Abdelmoumene, Abdelkader
Mots-clés: Distributed energy resources
Internet of Things
Decentralized energy management system
Renewable resources
Smart grid
Multi-agent system
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: Springer
Collection/Numéro: International Conference in Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems/ (2020);pp. 487-499
Résumé: In this research work, a new approach of decentralized energy management for smart grid is proposed to solve the problem of distributed voltage regulation. Where, micro-grids and aggregators are used as smart agents that can communicate with each other to share information, distribute energy and control their own energy consummation. Aggregators make the link between flexible resources. Smart-agents are an emerging technology for decentralized computation and data storage, secured by a combination of cryptographic signatures and a distributed consensus mechanism. So, two types of agents: energy Generation AGent (GAG) and Bus Agent (BAG) are used to regulate the voltage levels by injecting more power at some buses using the renewable energy sources. The interaction between the two types of agents is based on communication and exchange of information about the parameters and the state of the power grid. For testing this approach, a developed tester by our laboratory has been used that gives a good result
URI/URL: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-63846-7_46
Collection(s) :Communications Internationales

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