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Titre: Liquid-liquid extraction and simultaneously spectrophotometric determination of Co (II) and W (VI) using crown ether (DB-18-C6) in aqueous media and in high speed steel
Auteur(s): Saoud, Abdesselam
Hammadou née Mesdour, Souad
Arzu, Nabieva
Boudjema, Hamada
Abdeltif, Amrane
Nabiev, Mohamed
Mots-clés: Spectrophotometry
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: Taylor and Francis Online
Collection/Numéro: International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry;p p. 1-11
Résumé: An analytical reagent ether crown DB-18-C-6 was extensively used forthe simultaneous and individual extraction and spectrophotometricdetermination of the tungsten and cobalt at microgram levels. Theligand reacts with two metals, and the ion-association systems wereextractable into chloroform giving a yellowish [(DB-18-C-6∙NH4)+2[WO(SCN)5]2]and[(DB-18-C-6∙NH4)+2[Co(SCN)4]2-]complexes.Theabsorption peaks of these complexes were found overlapping atλmax of 415 nm and 621.6 nm, respectively. Under optimum condi-tions, the [WO(SCN)4]2-] complexation and extraction are possible onlyin concentrated medium (2.5 M of HCl). While, the [Co(SCN)4]2-]wasextractable at a pH range of 4–10. The linear ranges were 29.45–-147.25μgmL−1for Co(II) and 1.8–183 μg/mL for W(VI) with molarabsorptivity,ε=1.7×104andε=1.6×104dm3mol−1cm−1,respec-tively. The accuracy and reproducibility of the proposed method forvarious amounts of cobalt and tungstenintheirbinarymixtureweretested, and the effects of diverse ions on their extraction were alsoinvestigated. The developed method was successfully applied for thesimultaneous determination of Co(II) and W(VI) in high-speed steel(HS2-9-1-8) containing 2% W, 9% Mo, 1% V, and 8% Co.
URI/URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03067319.2020.1743830
ISSN: 0306-7319
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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