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Titre: PMU reporting rate optimization for data transfer enhancement in wide area monitoring systems
Auteur(s): Afaf, Saoud
Recioui, Abdelmadjid
Mots-clés: WAMS
Reporting Rate
Group Search Algorithm
Data Transfer Reliability
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: IEEE
Collection/Numéro: 2020 International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE);pp. 1-6
Résumé: The main factor to enabling a smart grid system is the perfect link between the existing grid systems and informationcommunication technologies (ICTs). As data become larger, latency and reliability requirements for different smart grid applications vary widely and are not easily obtainable to practitioners. In this work, data transfer enhancement in wide area monitoring (WAMS) applications is addressed. The improvement is done using optimization of PMU reporting rate which is fixed in the standardized WAMS operation. The reporting rate is considered as a variable parameter that needs to be optimized for the enhancement of the sytem performance. The results reveal that this factor affects the operation of the WAMS and can be exploited to improve the overall system performance. The standards must take into account the variable nature of this parameter and should make it tunable by the users
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/6516
Collection(s) :Communications Internationales

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