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Titre: NiO thin films for environmental photocatalytic applications : a review
Auteur(s): Blizak, Meriem Djanette
Remli, S.
Blizak, S.
Bouchenak, O.
Yahiaoui, K.
Mots-clés: Nickel oxide
Thin films
Date de publication: 2021
Collection/Numéro: Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology/ Vol.7, N°2 (2021);pp. 1950-1957
Résumé: Nickel oxide (NiO) thin film is metal oxide that has attracted much attention in recent years due to its environment friendliness. Like all metallic oxides semiconductors, thin films, NiOis gaining more and more attention as a promising photo-catalyst to replace powder catalysts, which are difficult in recycling. This paper summarized the photocatalytic activity of metallic oxides thin films. Furthermore, the results of several studies onthe efficient photo-catalyst of NiO thin films and its components have also been shown. This review will be useful to researcher’s investigate non-toxic materials, with low production cost and high efficiency in the field of environmental protection
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/6532
ISSN: 2437-1114
Collection(s) :Publications Nationales

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