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Titre: Perpendicular weak permanent magnetic field effect on the electrodeposited nanostructured ZnO film and its kinetic corrosion behavior
Auteur(s): Taleb, Samia
Dokhan, Nahed
Zazi, Nacer
Chopart, Jean-Paul
Mots-clés: Corrosion
Crystallographic parameters
Permanent magnetic field
ZnO deposits
Date de publication: 2019
Editeur: Springer
Collection/Numéro: Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces/ Vol.55, N°4 (2019);pp. 781-788
Résumé: In this work the effect of the permanent weak magnetic field on the electrodeposited ZnO nanostructured film on the ITO substrate elaborated under –0.5 and –0.8 V was studied. The deposits have been characterized by SEM, EDX, and electrochemical tests. The obtained results showed the increase of crystallites dimension in the presence of magnetic field under –0.5 V, and the decrease of the number of large crystallites of ZnO deposits under potential deposition equal to –0.8 V. The deposition under weak magnetic field change the current deposition, the open circuit potential (OCP), the polarization curve parameters after one week of corrosion and crystallographic parameters
URI/URL: DOI: 10.1134/S2070205119040269
ISSN: 2070-2051
2070-206X Electronic
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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