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Titre: Determination of the just suspended speed for solid particle in torus reactor
Auteur(s): Alouache, Ali
Selatnia, Ammar
Lefkir, Abdelouhab
Halet, Farid
Sayah, Houssem Eddine
Mots-clés: Agitation
Just suspended speed
Solid transportation
Torus reactor
Date de publication: 2019
Editeur: IWA Publishing
Collection/Numéro: Water Science and Technology/ Vol.80, N°1 (2019);pp. 48-58
Résumé: With the considerable use of pipelines and reactors in the engineering industry, determining the deposition velocity enabling hydraulic transport is of utmost importance. This has been investigated throughout the years, scrupulously in several types of reactors used in water treatment and solid transport. The primary focus has been extended to torus reactors, due to their significant advantage in chemical, biochemical and mixing processes. In the present work, we have studied the solid-liquid suspension in a torus reactor. We elaborated an experimental method based on visual assessment SBAM (Steady Bed Angle Method), which enabled us to analytically determine the just suspended speed ‘Njs’ at which no solid remains stationary at the bed and further parametrically study the effect of several parameters including solid loadings, particle sizes and densities. The just suspended speed values obtained experimentally have been compared to a modified Zwietering’s correlation
URI/URL: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2019.245
ISSN: 0273-1223
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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