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Titre: Valorization of mixed metal hydroxide on Algerian Na-Bentonitesuspensions: Application to water-based drilling fluid
Auteur(s): Akkouche, A.
Benmounah, A.
Gueciouer, A.
Chalah, K.
Mots-clés: Mixed metal hydroxide
Suspension stability
Water based drilling fluids
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: Elsevier
Collection/Numéro: Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, Vol. 29, N° 2 (2020);pp. 127-131
Résumé: The use of mixed metal hydroxide tri-cationic (Li+,Mg+2,Al+3) in water based drilling fluids brought to thebirth of a new air and perspective to improve the using of Bentonitic suspension as viscosifier in drillingfluids.The aim of this work is to study the possibility of using mixed metal hydroxide and see his effect atdifferent percent (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by Wt of Bentonite) on the rheological behavior and colloidalproperties of Algerian Na-Bentonite suspension (30 kg/m3).Rheological tests and Zeta Potential measurements have been performed for each prepared suspension.The results show that the adding of MMH on Algerian Na-Bentonite increases the yield stress to 1.39 Pasat 20% MMH, however a stable suspension was observed 41 mV of Zeta Potential measurement at 10%MMH with yield stress of 1.17 Pas.
URI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpe.2019.12.005
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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