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Titre: Removal of methylene blue in aqueous solution by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide in presence of copper-impregnated activated alumina
Auteur(s): Bousalah, Djedjiga
Yeddou, A. R.
Hachemi, M.
Nadjemi, B.
Mots-clés: Methylene blue
Copper impregnated Activated alumina
Hydrogen peroxide
Date de publication: 2019
Editeur: Aljest
Collection/Numéro: Algerian journal of environmental science and technology / vol.5. No 2.(2019 );
Résumé: In this work, methylene blue in aqueous solution is removed by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of copper impregnated activated alumina. After preparation and characterization of the catalyst, the catalytic oxidation tests are performed. The effects of pH, H2O2 concentration, catalyst dose, and temperature have been investigated. The tests show that adding activated alumina increases significatively the degradation effeciency of methylene blue. The reuse of catalyst for four cycls shows a good catalytic stability. The elevation of the temperature affects positively the kinetics of degradation. The acidified medium increases the decolorization efficiency of dye.
URI/URL: https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/120539
ISSN: 2437-1114
Collection(s) :Publications Nationales

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