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Titre: Diversity and distribution of the hymenopterofauna in northern and western Algeria
Auteur(s): Ghobrini, Khadjidja
Bendifallah, L.
Marniche, F.
Saharaoui, L.
Mots-clés: Diversity
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: University of El Oued
Collection/Numéro: Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences/Vol. 12, N°1 (2020);pp. 447-474
Résumé: The study of the Hymenoptera fauna associated with the Fabaceae is carried out in different environments in the Northern and Western Algeria. Insect sampling was carried out at seven sites representing three regions with different ecosystems and bioclimatic stages, namely: Algiers, Boumerdes and Tissemssilt. The results obtained show a total of 1022 individuals captured representing 59 taxa, distributed in 46 genera and 18 families. Qualitatively, the Boumerdes region is the richest with 648 individuals; it is followed by that of Algiers then Tissemssilt with respectively 191 and 181. In most of the stations, the dominant family in terms of individuals is that of Apidae whose the rate exceeds 60%. The honey bee Apis mellifera intermissa has a remarkable relative abundance varying between 50% and 89%.
URI/URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.4314/jfas.v12i1.27
ISSN: 2588-1914
Collection(s) :Publications Nationales

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