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Titre: Drill string torsional vibrations modeling with dynamic drill pipe properties measurement and field validation
Auteur(s): Boukredera, Farouk Said
Hadjadj, Ahmed
Youcefi, Mohamed Riad
Mots-clés: Drillstring dynamics
Torsional vibrations
Bit–rock interaction
Dynamic measurement
Petroleum engineering
Petroleum wells-drilling/production/construction
Date de publication: 2022
Editeur: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Collection/Numéro: Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME/ Vol.144, N°2 (2022);7 p.
Résumé: This paper aims to present the drill string torsional dynamics through a lumped parameter modeling using the basic physical notions with continuous measurement of drill pipe mechanical properties (inertia, damping, and stiffness). The model represents the mechanical properties as a variable for each drilled stand. A rock bit interactions model is employed in the system considering the kinetic friction as variable and depends on surface drilling parameters and the well length. Field data, including surface and downhole recorded velocities, are used to validate the model by comparing both velocities and to confirm the existence of drill string vibrations together with the simulation results (bit velocity)
URI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4051299
ISSN: 01950738
Collection(s) :Publications Internationales

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