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Depot Institutionnel de l'UMBB >
Mémoires de Master 2 >
Institut de Génie Electrique et d'Electronique >
Power >

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Titre: Electrical parameters evaluation of a 600W photovoltaic system installed in the IGEE-boumerdes university
Auteur(s): Mazighi, Brahim
Aoubid, Ibrahim
Medjoudj, R. ( supervisor)
Mots-clés: Photovoltaic system
PV modules
Date de publication: 2019
Résumé: The aim of this project is an evaluation of the electrical parameters of a 600W photovoltaic system; the system consists of four PV modules installed in the yard of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Boumerdes) at a fixed altitude angle of 45. The MPPT charge controller manages the power flow from the PV modules and batteries to the inverter which supplies a small load. The values of current and voltage at the PV modules and battery stages are taken every five minutes from the morning to the evening, then the results are analyzed using Weibull++ Software to define the parameters of distribution that the data is following, then conclude the mean values of power. The power data are divided into intervals, then the probability of each interval is calculated. The resulting probabilities is used to predict the power generated by the system through that day.
Description: 56 p.
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/8612
Collection(s) :Power

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