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Mémoires de Master 2 >
Institut de Génie Electrique et d'Electronique >
Contrôle >

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Titre: On the effect of similarity transformation on robusteness of state feedback control design
Auteur(s): Belaid, Tinhinene
Talamali, Radja Ouafa
Hariche, Kamel(Supervisor)
Mots-clés: Basics of mimo systems
Airplane model
Date de publication: 2018
Résumé: It is well known, in the control theory, that the state feedback represents one of the most popular techniques in designing the dynamics of any system. In multivariable “MIMO” systems, the state feedback gain matrix allowing the assignment of the desired set of closed loop poles (eigenvalues) is not unique. The aim from this project is to investigate the effect of the controller form similarity transformation on the robustness of the state feedback control design applied to an airplane case study. In this thesis, the F-16 Fighter in the lateral model is taken as a study case. The simulation of a large number of possible state feedback gains is done using MATLAB software; and the magnitude of the gain matrices, performance and robustness measures are computed. These results are then compared to select the best feedback gain having the smallest magnitude and best robustness performances.
Description: 50 p.
URI/URL: http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/handle/123456789/8868
Collection(s) :Contrôle

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